Monday, May 04, 2009


Once again, this year, The Directors Showband were the chosen entertainment for the 11th annual "Celebration of life" awards event, held at Le Crystal.
The event, headed by Rosa Shields and the organ Transplants committee at the Royal Victoria, raised funds for those in need and those already receiving care in the research and development of transplant operations.
This event honored the doctors and specialists who, everyday, dedicate their lives to saving others.
For more information on the organization and/or how to make a donation click here.

The event was a fundraising success and had a huge turnout of staff, patrons and patients.
Guests were up and dancing the entire evening.

The Directors Showband displayed their many colors to their attentive audience.

Tony could not help but have one dance with Rosa Shields.
This year, the cha cha cha.

The Directors are eager to please any discenrning audience member , no matter how old or even how young.
There is something for everyone in The Directors repertoire.
Certainly, no one ever goes home feeling let down.

The Directors Showband would like to thank Rosa Shields and the entire board for the Organ Transplants committee. It is always a pleasure to perform for your audience and we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to help in any way we can to support your cause.
We look forward to any future opportunities to share our support.
Thanks also to Johnny and all of his staff at le Crystal.


The Directors Showband.

If you would like to book The Directors
Call Tony: 514.926.4426

Official Website

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